Korea FACES 100% Pure Collagen Treatment
韓國 FACES 100%深海骨膠原蛋白煥膚補水護理
The ocean is the cradle of all life, and also the source of beauty. Use pure and precious ingredients to bring about a long and true transformation. The beauty of depth comes from the deep sea. This treatment uses pure collagen from deep sea pearls to bring your nourish skin back and give you the brightest you never have.
一款專注於補水的煥膚, 特別含有的活性珍珠凝萃可以有效提升皮膚活力, 天然保濕因子使肌膚長效保濕, 深海膠原蛋白增強皮膚彈性, 深海礦物質喚醒肌膚細胞, 深層保濕, 持久水潤.
1. 提亮膚色, 提升肌膚活力, 使肌膚光滑細嫩
2. 改善暗啞肌膚, 滋養肌膚彈力, 使肌膚緊實彈嫩有光澤
3. 使肌膚恢復鎖水機制, 長效補水保濕
4. 激發肌膚膠原蛋白合成能力, 增強皮膚彈性
5. 鎮靜肌膚, 喚醒肌膚細胞再生功能
* Deep sea pearl: Contains natural active pearl extract, multiple amino acids, and numbers of microelements. It effectively penetrates into the skin base, brightens the skin, enhances its vitality, and smooth and delicate skin.
* Hydrating regeneration essence: Contains natural moisturizing factor, ceramide; and densely activated natural moisturizing factor (N.M.F). It penetrating the stratum corneum in water, maintain cell water content, and restore water and water lock mechanism.
* Pure collagen granule: Rich in deep sea fish collagen peptide, amino acid, glycine, and proline. It also contains the unique three-spiral structure that strongly locks the water, enhances the skin elasticity, and stimulates to synthesize the collagen inside the skin.
*深海珍珠原粒: 還有活性珍珠提取物, 含有多種氨基酸, 及大量微量元素; 可以有效地滲入皮膚地步, 使皮膚提亮增強肌膚活力, 使肌膚光滑細膩
*維他命按摩霜: 含有維他命c, 透明質酸, 玻尿酸. 維他命天然抗氧化劑, 有效控制肌底氧化反應, 排出黑色素, 輕盈細膩質地, 輕撫皮膚. 滲透肌底, 改善暗啞肌膚, 滋養肌膚彈力纖維, 使肌膚緊實彈嫩有光澤.
*膠原蛋白溶球: 富含深海魚膠原蛋白肽, 人體需要的甘氨酸, 脯氨酸, 經脯氨酸等氨基酸. 獨有三螺旋結構能夠強效鎖住肌膚水份, 增強皮膚彈性激發肌膚膠原蛋白合成.
*補水再生精華: 還有天然保濕因子神經酰胺, 密集活化天然保濕因子( N.M.F). 滲透角質層與水結合, 維繫細胞含水量, 使肌膚回復吸水縮水機制
*深海果凍冰膜: 天然海洋水, 海藻精華, 海洋礦物質, 蘊含充沛水分, 鎮定肌膚, 喚醒肌膚細胞. 讓肌膚猶如海綿, 深切保濕, 持久水潤.
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