All-round private customization of skin care - All in one treatment
全方位皮膚護理 - 全效合一
微酸深層清潔 美白 補水 提亮 抗皺 抗衰老 淡斑 平滑修復青春痘肌
- facial
-“HydraFacial” treatment
- Mask and 4 In 1 LED system with RED, BLUE, GREEN, and YELLOW light therapy
- 皮膚按摩護理
- 四合一冷光(紅藍綠黃光) LED療法
* 4 In 1 LED system with RED BLUE GREEN YELLOW light therapy and Import the essence of various skin requirements
• Improves skin tone and clears blemishes.
• Smoothes skin texture, lessens coarseness and reduces pore size.
• Minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet, smile lines, nasolabial folds, worry lines.
• Regenerates skin by activating fibroblast cells to increase production of collagen and elastin.
• Helps improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin and irregular pigmentation.
• Enhances skin moisture which helps skin regain its youthful fullness.
• Increases circulation which helps reduce melanin production, the cause of brown age spots.
• Promotes nutritional elements existing within the skin.
• Stimulates and activates metabolic function in skin cells.
• Reduces skin degradation caused by age and environmental exposure.
• Reduces the appearance of overall redness and flushing.
• Reduces minor aches and pains: muscle and joint aches, sprains, back pain, muscle spasms and the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
1,红 - 640nm波长,穿透皮肤1〜6mm
2,蓝色 - 波长423nm,穿透皮肤1mm
3,绿 - 波长532nm,渗透皮肤0.5〜2mm
4,黄 - 583nm波长,穿透皮肤1〜2mm
抗痘 减少发红 收缩毛孔 焕发青春 均匀肤色 获得更坚实和更绷紧的皮肤 减少细纹和皱纹
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