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Chinese Points Cupping Weight-reducing



刺激穴道, 加速新陳代謝, 改善飲食方法



Point cupping is stimulating the main points that can speed up the metabolizing of the body, make the excess water and fat excrete from the body more easily. Indirectly, it also instead of the exercise the body required daily with the help of the matching “Menu.” The menu’s food is the nutrition that the body needs every day and is the food the lipocyte dislike. After the time, lipocyte will form the memory of your eating habits, faster the metabolize and decrease fat content of your body, to lose your weight. Once you eat the food besides the menu, will stimulate the lipocyte to absorb more nourishment and you will get weight even though just drink water since it also enhanced absorption function when simulating the body points.

罐罐減肥法是通過刺激身體主要的代謝穴位, 令身體代謝更加活躍, 從而讓身體更快地排掉多餘的水份和脂肪. 也間接地代替了每日所需的少量運動. 食譜內要求吃的食物是身體每天需要的基本營養, 而且都不是脂肪細胞喜歡吃的. 時間久了, 脂肪細胞會根據你每天的飲食規律形成記憶, 加快自身代謝速度從而減少身體內的脂肪含量, 達到瘦身的效果. 反之, 因為刺激穴位會加快身體代謝的同時也會讓腸道吸收功能更加好, 所以當吃了食譜以外的食物就會刺激脂肪細胞吸收更多的營養, 哪怕多喝一口水也會讓身體增重.


* Have to eat 3 meals per day, eat on time, and eat until 80%-90% full.

* Eat less or no eat will not lose weight. Once you start the treatment, you have to follow the matching menu. Eat less or did not follow the menu, no only get no effect but also get more weight.

* When you get sick, metabolize will getting very slow, then the weight will not decrease.

* No cupping during the period. 





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